The logo symbolizes both “time” and “space”: the world map in the center, surrounded by a time scale of the Chinese sundial with twelve “Chinese hours” expressed in twelve Earthly Branches. The temporal and spatial symbols characterize the emphasis of our team that concentrates on the geographic phenomena over time and the historical events in space. “ApSTi” represents “Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute.” The “i” designated in the logo particularly highlights our Digital Humanities approaches that utilize the latest scientific technology in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
亞太時空資訊研究室的logo,包括「時間」與「空間」的象徵意涵,以世界地圖為核心,外圍繞以日晷十二地支的刻度,代表本研究團隊關注地理空間在時間向度下的變與不變、以及從空間的脈絡中觀察歷史事件的發展。ApSTi為英文全名Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute的縮寫,其中i以小寫表示,顯示本研究室高度數位化的特色,應用數位科技於人文社會科學研究。
The Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute is located at the Research and Innovation-Incubation Center, National Chengchi University.
In 2014, the President of National Chengchi University awarded David Blundell the Top University Project in Digital Humanities hosted at the Research and Innovation-Incubation Center, National Chengchi University, Taipei. With the funding, we established Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute (ApSTi). This Institute is staffed with full-time and part-time members facilitating for innovative ways of sharing information by digital methods for visualizing spatiotemporal aspects of projects. This includes creating data banks, correspondences, managing schedules, planning workshops, coordinating meeting, arranging field research trips, Website design, and maintenance.
2014年,政治大學校長室授予卜道教授(David Blundell)頂尖大學數位人文計畫,由政大研究暨創新育成總中心執行。以此經費我們成立了亞太時空資訊研究室(ApSTi),全職與兼職成員於此工作,數位化與視覺化時空資訊,以嶄新的方式促進資訊分享,包括資料庫建立,通訊,時間表管理,工作坊計畫,會議協調,田野調查安排,網頁設計管理。
Our purpose for developing the Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute (ApSTi) at National Chengchi University, Taipei, is to create an environment for synergies to occur between researchers. This is a Top University Project with initial funding from the National Chengchi University President’s Office and other sponsorship. It is a platform to facilitate several studies.
The Institute is a home for innovative geographic information systems (GIS) based research and sharing for technical, local community, and scholarly exchange. We offer a range of project services to facilitate new ways of configuring data based on the tools of geo-referencing. From interfacing of spatial-temporal systems dynamic maps of unique information possibilities are generated. We organize workshop style activities fostering discussion of digital humanities scholarship. Guest presenters from many disciplines contribute to dialogues about techniques, challenges, and results of digital humanities research.
Project themes include:
*GIS 語言與文化