We organize workshop style activities fostering discussion of digital humanities scholarship. Guest presenters from many disciplines contribute to dialogues about techniques, challenges, and results of digital humanities research.
6th-9th July 2015, NCCU
6th July afternoon – Orientation
7th July morning & afternoon – Sharing Projects and Ideas for Digital Humanities, GIS, and Heritage Research
8th July morning & afternoon – GIS Technical Procedures for Mapping Heritage Resources and Data Management
9th morning – Integration of Research Procedures across Fields in the Social Sciences and Humanities for our Projects and Ideas
7/6 下午 導論
7/7 上午、下午 數位人文、GIS與文化遺產研究三者的交集
7/8上午、下午 繪製遺產資源地圖與資料管理的GIS技術教程
7/9 上午 人文與社會學科跨領域研究計畫的整合
Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute is new Digital Humanities research team sponsored by the Top University Project at National Chengchi University. Our participants and projects share the commonality of interest in utilizing GIS as main research tools and database infrastructure. Topics vary in diverse temporal and spatial dimensions: from linguistic and cultural atlas, historic tomb survey mapping, cluster mapping of industries, Asia-Pacific Austronesian navigation, religious networks, 17th century relationship between Taiwan and the Low Countries (or Benelux), to the ecological analysis integrated with the GIS-based environmental database. This workshop, on the one hand, will foster the integration and communication among team members, and on the other hand, look for further scholarly exchange among experts in the relevant fields, hoping to promote the use of spatio-temporal research tools and infrastructure.
Projects and ideas linking together synergies of mutual concern:
Religious Networks
Historical Migrations
Recognition of Signs, Symbols, and Motifs
Use of Old Maps
Historical Spatiotemporal Indexing of Sites
Comparing Physical Artifacts
Multilingual and Historical Textual Information
Attributes and Features Analysis
Cluster Mapping Techniques
亞 太時空資訊研究室為政治大學頂尖大學數位人文計畫下的一個新團隊,成員與研究計畫皆利用地理資訊系統GIS作為主要的研究工具與資料庫平台,主題則包涵多 元的時間與空間向度,從語言與文化地圖、古墓GPS定位與紀錄、產業群聚發展地圖分析、亞太南島區域的航海交流史、宗教網絡分析、十七世紀台灣與荷蘭比利 時交流史,到利用GIS建立環境資料庫以進行整體生態系的分析。本次工作坊一方面將進一步促進團隊成員之間的整合溝通,二方面亦希望與國內相關領域的學者 展開交流,希冀推動學者善用各種整合時空資訊的研究平台與工具。
Common Interest in Spatial Humanities and Shared Technical Infrastructure
Geographic information and timelines provide an effective integrating and contextualizing function for cultural attributes. As cross walks for information from multiple sources and in multiple formats they create visual indexes for diverse cultural data. Spatiotemporal interfaces provide new methods of integrating primary source materials into web-based interactive and 3D visualizations. We are able to chart the extent of specific traits of cultural information via maps using GIS gazetteer style spreadsheets for collecting and curating datasets. The system is based on GIS point locations, routes, and regions linked to enriched attribute information. These are charted and visualized in dynamic maps and can be analyzed with network analysis, creating an innovative digital infrastructure for scholarly collaboration and creation of customizable visualizations. This method gives the researchers an expanse of data in layers of time across space providing new tools to advance humanistic inquiry. This in turn becomes a Web-based bulletin board for local community and scholarly knowledge exchange.
Invited participants from, Academia Sinica, NCCU, National University of Kaohsiung, National Taiwan Normal University, Dharma Drum Buddhist College
地 理資訊與時間軸為文化屬性提供了有效的整合與脈絡化的功能。藉由匯流多元資源及多種格式的資訊,它們能為多元的文化資料創造視覺化的索引系統。時空介面提 供新方法整合原始材料,將成果以互動式與3D視覺化效果呈現於WebGIS線上平台。透過使用地理資訊系統地名錄的表單來收集與整理各種資料集,我們能夠 將文化資訊的特定特徵,大規模地轉化繪製為圖表與圖像資料。此一系統是建立於連結GIS的點、線和面的資料,藉此豐富文化屬性的資訊;這些資訊皆可以在動 態式的地圖中標示與視覺化呈現,並進行網絡分析,從而創造出嶄新的數位基礎平台以供學術合作,以及製作符合特定需求的客製化圖像。此一方法給予研究者更為 寬廣的空間,透過交織時間與空間的圖層資料,提供人文研究向前邁進的新研究工具。同時此一WebGIS線上平台亦提供了在地社區與學術社群之間的知識交 流。
This workshop introduces cluster mapping methodologies and cases offered by the Harvard Business School by Professor Michael Porter who started competition research. In the 1980s he continued to perfect his strategy for competitiveness and sustainability research methodologies. The latest release was in September 2014 for United States cluster mapping after 20 years of methodological development.
此工作坊介紹哈佛大學商學院麥可波特教授的產業聚落研究方法及個案探討。為提升研究方法的競爭力與延續性,在1980年代,波特教授延續精進他的研究策略。2014年九月,波特教授最新的研究結果出爐,並以美國產業聚落 20年來的研究方法發展為例。
The cluster mapping methodology attempts to address economic and sustainable developmental questions:
“Why are some nations or regions more prosperous than others? What conditions enable global corporations or local businesses to innovate and grow?” From Porter’s point of view that “Traditional economic theories fail to capture many of the underlying forces at work in today’s global economy. Competitiveness is the only way to achieve sustainable job growth, improve wages, and raise the standard of living—yet the real meaning of competitive advantage is poorly understood.”
為什麼有些國家的經濟發展較其他國家發達?又有那些重要因素促使國際企業或是在地產業創新與成長?波特教授認為傳 統的經濟理論已無法完全解釋今日全球經濟的多方因素角力,但競爭力是唯一一個對於就業率,薪資水平,與生活水準提升的重要因素,然而卻沒有太多人瞭解競爭 優勢的真正意義。
Janet Tan, NCCU IDAS candidate, recently attended the Harvard Microeconomics of Competitiveness training course to acquire the concept and practice of cluster mapping. She will present cases in the workshop to share her research experience building Taiwan’s “cluster-mapping framework” under Michael Porter’s guidance.
本工作坊講者,談仲光,現為政治大學亞太研究英語學程博士候選人,參加哈佛大學個體經濟競爭力課程,學習產業聚落的概念與實踐。此次工作坊中,講者介紹現代的聚落產業的個案, 以及分享她在波特教授指導下的台灣產業聚落研究架構經驗。
Time: 15:10-17:00
Location: GIS Lab, 270610 General Building of Colleges, National Chengchi University
For 8 years we are digitizing tombs on Taiwan and Penghu: 1,000 days of fieldwork, 200,000 photos, 600 graveyards, 50.000 tombs. And while the data collection grows and the equipment, the techniques and the data schemes are getting more and more sophisticated, we still struggle with elementary questions: What is it that we digitize, and why do we all this and how can data be best represented? Are tombs part of the history or part of the stories of these islands? Can these histories and stories be distinguished and what is the scientific interest in this endeavor?
八年來,我們將台灣與澎湖的墳墓以數位化的方式呈現: 共計1000天的田野調查、200,000張的照片、600座墳地、 以及50,000個墳墓。隨著資料的收集越趨完備,我們的設備、技術與資料配套策劃也越加成熟。然而,我們仍受限 於一些基礎問題:我們所數位化的究竟為何?資料要如何做最好的呈現?這些墳墓是歷史的一部分還是這些島嶼故事中 的一部分?這些歷史與故事如何辨別? 這一切的努力背後的科學價值又是什麼?
A tentative answer we come up with in this talk is that tombs represent stories that have been developed in historic contexts. The relevance of these stories lies in their psychosocial nature: Inscribed in the landscape, they form mental representations in those who populate these landscapes.
對於上述問題,目前我們所想出的答案是,這些墳墓所代表的是過去歷史之中發展的故事。而這些故事的實質意義 呈現在他們社會心理的狀態之下。透過對這片土地的刻劃,他們形塑在這片土地上居民的心理表徵。
Lured into a new positivism, which seems justifiable through a new, digital, empiricism, we adopt a critical, Popperian approach: Trying to find fold lines in these histories, in space and time, or patterns in the development of these stories that do not correspond to the historic truth claimed by these stories, the problem of representing tombs on maps becomes purposeful and tractable and allows to identify the agents behind the stories and their interest at stake.
透過實證主義,導入嶄新的數位實證方 法,我們採用波普爾(Popperian)研究法: 試圖找出這些歷史時空中所交錯重 疊的部分,或是與這些歷史故事發展不相符的模型。我們發現墳墓地圖繪製中的問題,變得更有意義且容易處理, 進而能夠辨認這些故事背後的行動者以及風險中的價值。
APSTI Workshop GIS Tombs Mapping 20150515
Time: 09:00-11:00
Location: GIS Lab, 270610 General Building of Colleges, National Chengchi University
SMATTI is an acronym referring to six language groups in the world’s foremost hot spot of numeral classifier languages: Sinitic, Miao-Yao, Austro-Asiatic, Tai-Kadai, Tibeto-Burman, and Indo-Aryan. In classifier languages, a classifier (C) or measure word (M) is used when a noun (N) is quantified by a numeral (Num). Mathematically, there are 6 possible word orders; yet, only 4 are attested in SMATTI, and elsewhere, from which two revealing generalizations obtain, as in (1) (Greenberg 1990[1972]:185, Aikhenvald 2000:104-105).
1) Generalizations of Word Orders among Num, C/M, and N
We offer an account for (1) based on an insight form a mathematical perspective. In essence, the function between Num and C/M is multiplication, regardless of word order, where Num is a multiplier, and C/M, a multiplicand. The same function exists in a multiplicative numeral as [n×base]. The identical role of C/M and base as multiplicands entails two implicational universals: Co-presence of base and C/M in a language and word order synchronization between base and C/M in a language. Our survey of 153 classifier languages in SMATTI shows highly significant evidence supporting this hypothesis.
SMATTI 是世界中最多數目分類詞語言地區的六個主要語族,包括漢語系、苗瑤語系、南亞語系、壯侗語系、藏緬 語系和雅利安語系.這些語言當中,名詞(N)會透過分類詞(C)或是量詞(M)與數字(Num)結合,邏輯上有六個可能的 組合但是 SMATTI 中、甚至世界的語言當中只有四種出現,而從此我們得以發現兩個現象(Greenberg 1990[1972]:185, Aikhenvald 2000:104-105):
1) 數詞,分類/量詞和名詞的順序
a. 只要名詞不出現在數詞和分類/量詞間,任何排列皆可行
b. 分類/量詞前置的順序遠比分類/量詞後置的狀況常見 我們透過數理的角度提出解釋並認為數詞和分類/量詞間存在乘法的關係.我們把數詞當作乘數而把分類/量詞當作 被乘數,同樣的架構在有乘法的數字系統中相當普遍,比方說:[n × base].將分類/量詞當作被乘數得以推演出兩 個語言通則:首先語言當中分類/量詞勢必和乘法同行出現,其二數詞和分類/量詞的詞序應當和乘法系統中的被乘 數同步.我們透過分析 SMATTI 當中的 153 個分類詞語言得以驗證這個理論.
Time: 14:00-16:00
Location: GIS Lab, 270610 General Building of Colleges, National Chengchi University
內容創新: 現在我們可以數位化一切
Advances in digital technology have blurred the boundaries of conventional creative content, making it accessible unlike any time before. In the post-digital era, we are confronted with limitless possibilities to “create” this content. What does that mean for media education in 2015 and beyond?
數位科技進步已模糊了傳統創新內容的界線, 使其不同於以往,時時都有管道可即。在後數位化年代, 我們面對內容創新的無限可能。對2015與之後的媒體教育而言,這代表了什麼?
This presentation will pose some questions and provide answers via our selected exemplar projects from Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation (3CDI). For creative content to work in this new era, it must take a new approach combining research-creation in order to produce desired outcomes that present meaningful public interactive experiences to an ever-eager audience.
這次的報告將提出問題,並由我們所選的範例計畫提供答案,計畫來自創意內容與數位創新中心 (CCCDI)。為了將創意內容運用在此一新領域,必須採取新方法,結合研究-創新以達到理想的結果,於熱切的觀眾眼前呈現涵義豐富的公開互動經驗。
時間: 2015年3月19日2:10-4:00
地點: 政大研究與創新育成總中心互動室350116
Time: 19th March 2015 – 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Interactive Room 350116, Research and Innovation-Incubation Center, National Chengchi University
ECAI人文研究工作坊: 整合先進基礎設施與學術實務
與中研院2015 ISGC接軌
David Blundell, Chengchi National University, Taiwan Early Historic Religious Maritime Networks in Monsoon Asia based on Austronesian Evidence utilizing Digital Humanities Mapping Resources
季風亞洲早期海上宗教網絡: 依太平洋南島的證據,運用數位人文地圖畫資源
Oliver Streiter and Linda Gail Arrigo, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan Making Sense of Space: A Comparison of the Nanshan and Anping Graveyards in Tainan
理解空間: 比較台南南山與安平墓地
Ching-chih Lin, Chengchi National University, Taiwan Spatial Analysis of Symbolism, Patterns and Genealogy of Chinese Woodblock Printing
Dr Jihn-fa (Andy) Jan, Chengchi National University, Taiwan Integrated Geospatial Techniques for Community Forestry
Time:16:00-18:00, Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Location:Room 330111, Bai-Nian Building, NCCU
海上佛教: 宗教研究的時間空間新觀點
時間: 2015年3月11日, 16:00-18:00
地點: 政大百年樓330111室
International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2019 & Soundscape Conference
March 31st
In Conjunction with ISGC 2019
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2018 in conjunction with Frontiers in Computational Drug Discovery (FCDD)
March 18th, 2018
In conjunction with ISGC 2018
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Co-located with Digital Heritage 2018-3rd International Congress & Expo
Date: October 27-30, 2018 (Saturday-Tuesday)
Venue: Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, San Francisco, USA
Main Theme: Human Rights in Cyberspace
International Digital Humanities Symposium/Workshop.
2018. Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan (國立政治大學華人文化主體性研究中心). National Chengchi University. Southern Materials Center, Taipei. December 15-17.
Facebook video recording available
ECAI Workshop
A Sampling of Current Activities: Heritage Conservation; Community Projects & Mapping; Buddhism History, Understanding & Digital Projects
Joint Meetings with PNC 2019
October 15-18, 2019
Regionality and Digital Humanities: South-South Connections
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
In conjunction with
PNC 2017 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings
November 7-9th, 2017
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
ECAI Workshop
Atlas of Maritime Buddhism, Digital Humanities
Support Technology, Cultural Mapping,
Text Translation and Analysis
In conjunction with Global Challenges:
From Open Data to Open Science
International Symposium on Grids and Clouds
(ISGC) 2017
March March 5-10th, 2017
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
ECAI Atlas of Maritime Buddhism Workshop
In conjunction with
VSMM 2016 – Virtual Systems & Multimedia
October 17th-24th, 2016
Sunway University
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
ECAI Workshop
Cultural Heritage, Data, Technology and Reality
In conjunction with
Does Data Construct Reality
PNC 2016 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings
August 16-18th, 2016
Getty Center, Los Angeles, California
ECAI Workshop
In conjunction with
Ubiquitous e-infrastructures and Applications
International Symposium on Grids and Clouds
(ISGC) 2016
March 13-18th, 2016
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
ECAI Workshop
Culture, Technology, and Collaboration
PNC 2015 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings
September 27-29, 2015
University of Macau, Macau
ECAI Workshop
Integrating Advanced Infrastructure
and Scholarly Practices in the Humanities
March 15th, 2015
In conjunction with
Global e-Infrastructure for Global Challenges
International Symposium on Grids and Clouds
(ISGC) 2015
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan